[Projectleiding] herinnering: input leveren vanuit teams voor breakpoint meeting

Elger Jonker elger at ifcat.org
Mon Feb 22 19:25:02 CET 2021

Hi all,

Don't have all answers back but here are some:

From productiehuis:
We're kind of lacking on the push forward. In the back of our mind it might be useless> if we don't do anything nothing will get done. We want to at least everything on paper and don't have to rush at the last moment. We want to make it happen, we highly doubt that the event can happen we thought two years ago. Highly doubtful if any event is happening. We should stop planning when we are spending significant amount of money. Our team is very flexible, downscaling is very easy but upscaling is very hard. We are able to look into alternatives. Changing to another event-format is a bit hard.

We want to have to have feedback on the type of event around march: so if it's online, we need to know that in march.

From Sysadmin:
Given the neverending lockdown we're currently in I doubt the country will be open enough in time for the event. From a team PoV: we don't have anything on-site/don't have vendor contracts for the specific event dates (at least I assume this - it would be weird to say the least), so in that regard I don't see a reason why *the team* would voice concerns over potentially needing to cancel the event

From Power (individual response):
I think most would be willing to go ahead when the vaccine rollout gets to us eventually. I'm still optimistic.


> On Feb 20, 2021, at 15:12, Str Aw <rietjetroost at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ha allen,
> Boekenwuurm en ik wilden vandaag input gaan samenvatten voor de breakpointmeeting aanstaande woensdag. Maar we kwamen tot de conclusie dat we zowel van onszelf als van jullie allen nog geen input via de projectleidinglijst kunnen vinden. Begrijpelijk, het is allemaal best kort dag... 
> Graag ontvangen wij de input die jullie uit je teams horen uiterlijk maandag 19.00 om het mee te kunnen nemen in de samenvatting. 
> Alvast bedankt!!
> Hartelijke groet,
> Straw en Boekenwuuurm
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