[Projectleiding] Draft uitnodiging aan orga voor orgameet

Janneke van den Brand janneke.vandenbrand at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 20:59:18 CET 2021

Wil iemand hier even snel doorheen lezen of ik geen rare dingen er in heb



Dear orga,

It's almost time for a physical orga meet! The date has been set at
november 28th. Don't panic yet, please read a little further.

Given the state of the current pandemic, we face a lot of uncertainty about
the option to physically meet. We will not be taking any unnecessary risks,
and will of course follow the guidelines provided by the Dutch government.

In addition to that, we will also follow the rules as implemented by our
host Bitlair. This means you need a QR code to join this orgameet, and this
code will be scanned. The latest information on the Bitlair rules can be
found here: https://bitlair.nl/Coronamaatregelen

We will also provide a means to participate online. And if necessary, the
whole meet will be an online event (so save the date either way!).

The rules are in flux, so we will update the wiki in the days for the
event, and will also make the final decision on having the meeting online
or online/offline a few days before the 28th. Once we are sure what the
rules are, we will of course send another update e-mail.

Here are more details about the location:

Date: November 28
Time: 13:37
Place: Bitlair
Address: Computerweg 20A, 3821 AB Amersfoort

For those of you familiar with Bitlair and are worried the hackerspace is
too small for a meeting: there is a half open space next to the actual
hackerspace that we can use.

If you are planning to join, please put yourself on the list on the wiki
here: https://wiki.mch2022.org/MCH_Orgameet_November_2021

If you have any questions, contact me or any other Projectleiding member


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